java Certification: practice Tests for java OCA Certificate


java Certification: practice Tests for java OCA Certificate, java SE Certification : best Practice Tests for Java OCA Certification.

The Oracle Java Programmer certification certifies programmers on skills and knowledge related to the Java Programming language. When you become certified, Oracle verifies that you have a base set of knowledge and skills that enables you to develop software using Java.

The certification is a good benchmark of knowledge and expertise. What better way to show your Java skills that having them validated by the company which develops the Java language itself?

There are two levels for the Oracle Java Programmer certification:

Oracle Certified Associate (OCA) is the entry-level certification for Java programmers. It helps you build a foundational understanding of the language while expanding your knowledge of general programming. You’ll learn (or reinforce) the basics of the language (variables, data types, arrays, loops, classes, methods, exceptions) and also some not-so-basic topics (implicit narrowing, explicit casting, autoboxing, nested classes, polymorphism and inheritance, abstract classes and interfaces, and some specific APIs to deal with collections, strings and calendar objects).

Oracle Certified Professional (OCP) builds upon the fundamental OCA skills and demonstrates a high level of knowledge and skills. It deals with more advanced topics like design patterns, generics, File I/O (NIO.2), JDBC, threads and concurrency. While you can get the OCA even having little or no previous experience working with Java, in my opinion getting the OCP needs to be backed up by some hands-on experience.

You can think of a Java Certification as a way to invest in your career and to help boost its potential.

The list below shows the topics included in the exam

Java Basics

Working With Java Data Types

Using Operators and Decision Constructs

Creating and Using Arrays

Using Loop Constructs

Working with Methods and Encapsulation

Working with Inheritance

Handling Exceptions

Working with Selected Classes from the Java API

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