Your Best Year of Impact & Income Ever as an Entrepreneur, Create a Focused Action Plan to Implement the Inspiring Vision of Your Best Year of Creating Huge Value for Others.
Are you an Entrepreneur looking to create more
- IMPACT for the people you serve?
- INCOME for you and your team?
- FREEDOM to enjoy your family, friends, and life?
In 30-45 minutes, you can ENVISION your Best Year of Impact & Income Ever and create the ACTION PLAN to help you make it real.
If you are overwhelmed by complex and long-winded strategic plans.
Or feel like you’re riding by the seat of your pants.
Designing a powerful 80-20 focused plan can energize and inspire you (and your team) to direct your best & highest energy to necessary and effective implementation activities.
Your plan does not need a lot of moving parts. It doesn’t need to be complex, and it doesn’t require hours of labor trying to predict a detailed future of micro-managed events.
Excessive planning leads to unrealistic expectations and planning fatigue that rob you of the energy you need to implement.
You need to focus on the 20% (or few) actions, relationships, and projects that will really move the needle to create the 80% (or majority) of your most desired results.
Envision an inspired outcome 1 year into the future and create a simple & focused plan for you to start living the life you’ve always dreamed.