Wireless and Mobile Communication- A Beginners Guide, Radio communication, Modulation.
Understanding and having knowledge of wireless and mobile communication is very important for doing research in wireless networks. Nowadays, wireless communication is everywhere. Before understanding advanced concepts of wireless networks, a basic knowledge of the functioning and working of wireless communication is very important. Understanding radio communication at various frequencies is also very important. Not only that, but how communication in wireless networks gets affected by noise is very important. Next, understanding the basics of modulation techniques is very important. Apart from that, this course also provides an understanding of multiplexing techniques. Various types of multiplexing techniques are deeply discussed in this course to understand the multiplexing concepts.
The main important concept in wireless communication is how to access the communication medium effectively. In order to do that, an understanding of medium access is very important. This course also provides an understanding of various types of medium access techniques, their limitations, and solutions. It also provides a solution for overcoming the limitations with solutions and diagrams. Finally, this course gives an introduction to GSM systems and provides an understanding of the components of GSM systems, etc. Hence, studying this course, one can understand the basics of wireless and mobile communication.