What is Data Science ? Fundamental Concepts for Beginners.
What you”ll learn:
- How to define Data Science ?
- What are the components of Data Science ?
- Entry level overview of Data Science components.
- PLEASE NOTE: A) If you are expecting any coding lessons here, this course is not for you. Please look elsewhere. B) Data Science is not just about writing code .Please enroll in this course only if you are willing to understand the broader picture and business angle involved in Data Science projects.
If you have absolutely no idea what Data Science is and are looking for a very quick non-technical introduction to Data Science , this course will help you get started on fundamental concepts underlying Data Science.
If you are an experienced Data Science professional, attending this course will give you some idea of how to explain your profession to an absolute lay person.
There are lots of very good technical and programming focused courses available on Data Science in Udemy and elsewhere.
This short course will lay a firm foundation for better understanding and appreciation of what is being taught in advanced Data Science courses.