VMware VCP-410 Certified Professional Vsphere Practice Exam


VMware VCP-410 Certified Professional Vsphere Practice Exam, Attend this VMware VCP-410 Certified Professional Vsphere Practice Exam will get a Good Score 80% on Main Exam.

Sample Questions

Q) The administrator sets the ESX 4.x on the same physical server. Which of the following components must be modified or replaced to support a successful installation?

a) 2 AMD Opteron

b) SATA disk controller

c) 1 GB RAM

d) 4 Intel PRO 1000 Network

e) None

Q) Which of the following storage resources, created only to install the 4.x ESX (choose two)?

a) vmkcore

b) change

c) VMFS storage

d) scratch

Q) The company wants to increase the capacity of the drive for VMware VSphere environment. Management mandates that: (1) VMotion to work in this environment, (2) the existing LAN infrastructure to be used (3) Storage must support the raw device mapping, a storage option is best to meet the goals now?


b) Fiber Channel

c) NFS


e) None

Q) Virtual disks created on the NFS data stores are:

a) in a format dictated by the NFS server

b) thick

c) zeroedthick

d) thin

e) None

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