Using Lean for Perfection and Quality, Applying Lean in Service and Manufacturing Organizations.
The Using Lean for Perfection and Quality Course is part of the Lean for Business Organizations Program includes the following 6 sections:
1. Introduction to Lean for Service and Manufacturing,
2. Using Lean for Perfection and Quality,
3. Lean Tools and Techniques for Flow and Pull,
4. Reducing Waste and Streamlining Value Flow Using Lean,
5. Value Stream Mapping in Lean Business, and
6. Applying Lean in Service and Manufacturing Organizations
Lean for Perfection and Quality
Today’s markets are very competitive and customers insist on the best quality products for their money. This means that businesses must actively pursue perfection to keep their customers and to retain their market share.
Pursuing perfection and excellent quality are important principles of Lean thinking. Continuous improvement, the elimination of waste, and striving toward zero defects all help organizations attract and keep customers, and so increase their profitability.
This course on Using Lean for Perfection and Quality introduces four Lean tools organizations use to strive for perfection and improve quality – 5S, Hoshin Kanri, jidoka and poka yoke, and standard work.
As you work through this course, you’ll find out what these tools are, their purpose, and how the tools are used. You should then be able to recognize how the tools may be used in your own organization.
The course provides examples of how the Lean tools can be applied in both manufacturing and service organizations. It will help you assess your own organization’s needs and determine how you can apply the tools to perfect what you offer.
That’s it! Now go ahead and push that “Take this course” button and see you on the inside!