Unity AWS S3 + Download and Upload Files/Images and More!, Learn to use Unity/AWS to upload and download player data and connect players around the world!!
Have you ever wanted to learn how allow players to upload and download items in game? Maybe it’s player data, maybe it’s high scores, maybe it’s images….we’re going to show you how in this course!
Topics Covered:
S3 Basics(Bucket Access, Public/Private Buckets, Uploading Downloading)
Uploading Data
Downloading Data
Uploading Player Images from their camera roll
How to display this info in the UI
Cognito Security Policies
Android/iOS Fixes
Android Bug Fixes
And much more!
Austin Patkos is the Creator of ZDev-9 and this course. He has developed over 27 different mobile apps for both Android and iPhone. Austin Patkos is a self taught in software. Believing that self education is key. In addition he has developed several courses, authored a book designed and engineered 3D firearm parts, and taught self defense for over 10 years.
Bruised and battery daily in a Martial Arts school. He now holds a 3rd Degree Black Belt. He has competed in over a dozen powerlifting competitions, has squatted over 800lbs, bench pressed over 550lbs and deadlifted over 700lbs.
Believing in the mindset of “passing on” Austin has published several courses that reflect his passion for Personal Development and Growth. “
“When I was in Highschool I tried a little bit of coding. Unfortunately the tutorials while well intentioned, I just couldn’t get the hang of it. They would teach basic facts and skills, how to make a string how to make an int. And at times I could repeat and do these skills I often forgot because I lacked the in depth understanding of what skills and how the interweaved with other things that were taught. Ironically in the same year I had a Chemistry teacher teach us about Bloom’s Taxonomy.
During that time I worked as a Krav Maga assistant instructor, eventually going on to run a self defense school full time. One of the things that I always tried to do is teach the what AND the why. Why do an elbow? Why attack the fingers? Why do move x?
Once I decided to start teaching teach I have always made it an effort to go the extra mile and not just explain what but also explain why too.” – Austin Patkos