Uber or Lyft – Tips and Tricks to Master Driving Apps -1, In this course will be going over Uber and Lyft and some of the techniques I use to succeed on both platforms.
In this course will be going over how to make some serious money on both Uber and Lyft.
I personally use both and that’s what I recommend.
Disclaimer I am not a financial advisor and I am not telling you what to do. We are just having a conversation and hopefully you can get something out of this and apply it to your own driving business.
Will also be going over a lot of do’s and don’ts Within both of these apps. Stuff I wish I would have learned before.
I apologize for the random cut off at the end. Editing problems…. Thank you so much for checking out our 30th udemy course and have a blessed rest of your day.
And with over 43000 students you bet our courses have something for everyone. Uber and left aren’t going anywhere and now is a great time to take advantage of this thriving industry.
It’s not too late to download the app follow Uber and lyft requirements and start a side job or a primary source of income.
Uber and lyft have been around for some time and and are a great tool that lots of travelers use and and lots of cities.
So stay tuned for some information on Uber and Lyft. Be sure to have a pen and paper handy.