Transitioning from Manager to Leader, Improve your Management & Leadership Skills: Start your Leadership Work-Out Program today!
So, you would like to learn how to rise into a leader – congratulations on the courage and willingness to take the responsibility and lead others.
But, let me ask you something very personal – why do you really would like to become a leader? Is this because you would like to learn new skills so you can get a raise, negotiate a better bonus, improve your position in a company through a promotion, or maybe something else related to your, self-centered goals and needs? If that’s the case – sorry buddy, but I would like to ask you to keep scrolling and find another course.
I believe that true leadership requires a different kind of people, or a mindset – those who have already satisfied the basic human needs, and they are now genuinely interested to serve other people and a business community they operate in. For sure – you have already met some great leaders in your life who helped you rise into a good person. And, if you pay attention – you will notice that many people all around you are still looking for someone to help them figure out what they should be doing and how they can develop themselves into leaders. Since you have already experienced that process, now is your turn to produce that kind of impact on others.
Of course, one can teach you techniques, or mechanics of a leadership – but the character and consistency on a long run are those secret ingredients that make the real impact. And, hopefully, we are going to serve you well in your mission of impacting others in a business context.
We are going to help you with self-management secrets, how to navigate information, people and action realms, and help you to overcome the most common leadership fallacies. And, that’s not the end – first and foremost, leadership is a daily practice of influencing people, mostly one person at a time – that’s why we have created a lot of interesting tasks for you, a sort of a Leadership Work-Out Program – some interesting reads, video clips to watch, challenges to interact with your people, perform some tests, and similar.
If you are curious enough to check if this is for you – please watch a few open videos to get an insight what is this all about. And, then decide. And, have in mind that Udemy is giving a 30 days money-back guarantee.
If you would like to study a leadership – the most common approach is to explore a sort of a leadership process or behavior – meaning how to explore new possibilities, challenge the status quo, model the way, inspire a shared vision and mission, mobilize and unite people, and work on their individual motivation. And, we did it in our own way.
Simply, our intention is to go a bit deeper compared to this standard practice.
That’s why – this course is about studying the content all business leaders have to navigate – information realm, people, action realm and self-realm, within their own unit or company, and outside that terrain, as shown at the picture bellow.
To better understand the necessity of this approach – we are going to open discussion with the most common Leadership fallacies – that will stretch your thinking and hopefully, open new perspectives on the subject of business leadership. As we believe, that is the hearth of distinguishing a manager from a true business leader.
Next, we are going deeper – to answer a challenge on how do you deal with your team’s dynamics when you are not even there.
At a surface, Information realm is more focused on a simple, basic concepts like communication and control – here, leadership activities are instrumental in nature and based on using information to drive people to specific ends. We are going to talk about vision and mission, shaping culture and values and leading the change on a group level. And, most likely – it will open for you an ethical question – is this just a dealing with ideology and indoctrination, or an honest process of helping people to work together on pursuing the better future. We will share our own answer to this question for sure.
Next, People realm is focused on leading the people inside your Unit and linking the unit to the outside world – the key is to understand that managing and leading is more than just giving instructions and controlling execution or results. Since it is mostly one-on-one or one-on-many activity, we are going to pay a lot of attention on motivating your people, helping them to grow, how to create a cohesive team and to study all aspects of power and influence. Of course, handling external affairs is extremely important topic as well.
Action realm is focused on you doing different things inside your Unit, and dealing with outside pressures and opportunities. Yes, leading assumes doing through or alongside others (depending on your perspective), yet in order to stay informed, engaged and similar, you have to use (let’s say) “your hands” as well and give an example.
And finally, within a Self-realm, we are going to focus on your own perception (meaning framing like conceiving strategies, setting goals and priorities, and scheduling meaning time distribution for yourself and others – as your inside work) and (on top of perception) behavior (meaning actions like establishing context for everyone else, self-positioning, and similar – meaning dealing with your outside world). Most likely, studying the self is where all leadership starts. However – in order to help you see different perspectives first, we decided to close the discussion on leadership with this topic. As we believe – that’s the best way to help you to find your own voice and shape your own leadership philosophy.
And, as promised, we have created a lot of interesting tasks for you all over the course, a sort of a Leadership Work-Out Program – some interesting reads, video clips to watch, challenges to interact with your people, perform some easy tests, and similar.
I really hope you are going to enjoy it. See you on the other side.