Transforming Your Life With a Disability, Set yourself up for success, serve as the daily manager of your own health, gain a sense of control with a disability.
If you have a disability or chronic illness and don’t know how to get from where you are to where you need to be. You are talented, brave, and dynamic but, you are struggling with fear, overwhelm and uncertainty. Do you lack the confidence and knowledge to deal with obstacles by advocating and speaking up for yourself and improving the quality of your life?
Regardless of your beginnings or your goals, many times in life, we will meet obstacles that seem insurmountable. The good news is, you do not have to accept this as your reality!
In this course, you will develop strategies, tools and resources for how to navigate your life in a new way. Creating a blueprint for success so you have clarity, and confidence and know who you are and what you’re capable of. Let’s get you ready to take back 100% control of your health and your life.
- Understand your emotions & develop self-care strategies for coping with stress
- How to expand the knowledge of your needs, illness & goals
- Break down daunting goals into manageable steps.
- Ensure long-term goals remain insight when condition changes
- Help you become better prepared & develop effective communication strategies for success.
- Take you to another level of understanding of workplace advocacy policy & procedures
- Challenge you to new ways of thinking
- You’re noticing progression or barriers that are affecting your life & work, you know the situation needs to be addressed but you don’t know where or how to start
- You’re sick of wasting time trying to piece together the overwhelming amount of information online and you just want someone to make it simple so you can actually get results
- You’re worried that you are not confident or strong enough to advocate for yourself
- You are tired of other people making decisions on your behalf because you are uncertain about how to communicate your needs and desires
- Are struggling with fear & limiting beliefs trying to find your purpose or passion but are uncertain about how to set goals for yourself
- Feel like an inconvenience or a burden to those around you
- You are unaware of the resources, options and accommodations available to you or where to find them
So, are you ready to give yourself permission to take back control of your health and your life? Click the enroll now button and I will see you on the other side!