Tips and tricks about motion graphics, Fun with compositing.
This course is mainly targeted to students who wants to learn compositing and motion graphics. At the end of the course they will get an insight about the importance of compositing in films. We will also get an introduction about the user interface of After Effects in this course. Composting is a very important aspect of film making. These days without proper compositing we can not think of making any film. Not only in films but also in OTT platform and television VFX has become an important part and compositing is one of the most essential part of VFX.
On the other hand, motion graphics can play an important role in branding and advertisement. Motion graphics can be categorized in different parts like:- TVC (Television commercials), info graphics, film motion graphics etc. People find motion graphics more interesting rather than still images which are made for branding and advertisement. If you watch any movie you will definitely going to get touch of motion graphics at the start of the movie when the intro title will be displayed.
We will use Adobe After Effects as a tool for this course because it is one of the best software for motion graphics and also can be used for compositing as well.