The Fundamental Investing Course, Learn how to become a successful value investor to create true wealth for you and your family.
With over 8 hours of content and resources to compliment, this course takes you through the skills and steps required to find great companies to invest in, and shows you how to value a company to know exactly what price to pay for it. It covers all of the important topics including:
– wealth mindset and values,
– brokerage platforms and how to set up and use them,
– finding great companies to invest in,
– understanding the company,
– knowing if it has a great management team,
– working out if it has a durable moat that protects it from its competitors,
– how to value the company to know exactly what price you should pay,
– management of your portfolio.
Along with all of the video learning you will get resources that aide in your learning. You will get a full workbook to work through alongside the course, a company checklist, a research form for doing your research on companies you are looking at, an excel valuation calculator and a resource and book list that will aim you in the right direction for further readings as well as brokerage platforms, research websites and financial terms dictionaries. This course aims to cover every angle so you get the most value possible!
Nothing in this course constitutes personal or financial advice and is for learning purposes only.