The Complete MERN Stack Development course 2021, Learn everything about MERN stack and make a social networking website.
Welcome to “The Complete MERN Stack Course 2021”. In this course, we will build an in-depth Social Network website using Node.js, Express, React, and MongoDB along with ES6+. We will start with a blank text editor and end with a deployed full-stack website on Heroku.
This course also uses the latest React Hooks and Redux which is an absolute joy. Your code will be so much simplified and readable.
At the end of this course, we’ll build an entire project(FACEBOOK CLONE) and you will learn how these different technologies work together step by step. We’ll first have a look at all the individual building blocks so that we then can also combine them all into one amazing application by the end of the course.
In detail, this course offers
- All the basics of React, Node, Express, MongoDB
- Project sections for each technology where the theoretic knowledge is applied
- A full MERN stack website
- A complete course project where all the technologies come together into one application
List of the things that you will learn:
- Learn how to use Codesandbox
- Learn React from scratch
- Conditional Rendering
- React and it’s advantages
- Challenges after every topic
- JSX attributes
- Inline styling for react elements
- Javascript ES6 concepts
- React props
- Mapping data to components
- Using React dev tools
- Login Project
- React router and project
- React Hooks (use state.use effect)
- Event handling
- form handling
- Todo list project
- Context API
- Small project with context API
- Redux
- React-redux
- C.R.U.D website using React-redux
- Middleware in React-redux and a project on that
- Node js
- Express
- Mongo DB
- MongoDB compass
- and many more things.
By the end of this course, you’ll feel comfortable building your own MERN stack applications and you can build upon all the knowledge taught throughout this course to dive into your own projects and use-cases.
What are the requirements for taking this course?
- NO prior MERN stack knowledge is required
- HTML,CSS and Javascript
Let’s do it. Let’s code together.