The Complete Guide to Bot Creation, and Automating your Everyday Work.
Every job has repetitive tasks and processes that can be automated, which can take up a significant amount of your time.
In a digital world, automation is the most crucial skill to acquire. Old school teams with dozens of people can be replaced with a small group of skilled automation engineers and domain experts. They can automate repetitive and straightforward, organizational, or even technical tasks.
In this course, we’ll teach you the basic and advanced techniques used to create bots and automation scripts for diverse applications. Together we will create simple scripts to clean up your working environment, batch rename files, and automatically clean up your Downloads folder every Monday.
Once we covered the basics, we will quickly move to more engaging projects. For example, a Telegram Bot, which can add songs to your Spotify playlist and Bots for Instagram and Twitter. We’ll even create a Travian bot that automatically plays the game.
To deliver the best possible learning experience, we present every project in Python and NodeJS. That way, you can decide which language you prefer. Additionally, we will provide you with information about how to obfuscate your bot activity and create simple Google Spreadsheet Analytics scripts.
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You won’t regret it!