Tenant Screening for Landlords, A course for landlords to learn how to screen tenants.
In this course, my goal is for you as a potential landlord or existing landlord to be able to effectively understand how to screen a potential tenant, what to ask on your applications, how to set your rental requirements, and ultimately how to either accept or reject a tenant based upon the application collected as well as the screening results of the application.
My name is Ray O’Daniel and I have over 17 years of experience managing rental properties I have made about every mistake a landlord can make in the rental property business. As a result of this, I’m in a key position to be able to help new people who are buying a rental property, not make the same mistakes I’ve made in the past. Bad tenants have cost me ten of thousands of dollars in lost rent and repairs to my properties.
That is the reason I’ve taken the time to create this course to hopefully give people an education on how to effectively construct a good application screening because choosing the right tenant for your property can mean the difference between success and failure to a landlord.
Please take the time to review all the modules of this course. And I hope it will serve you well.