Teacher Training Program for Dancers , We are going deep into the concept of goal-guided class design.
What you”ll learn:
- You’ll learn a teaching framework that honours the full complexity of a dance
- Distinguish between what the dance is, our intuition of it, and how we teach it
- What content should make it into our dance classes?
- In teaching dance, when should you use examples, and when should you use models?
- A five-step process to create effective teaching models for your dance classes
- First mindset, then ability – how to prioritise your material
- depths of goals, time allocation, and feedback – how to decide what to include in your dance classes
- The cycle of teaching and how to improve as dance teachers
- Finding the balance between dancing freely and teaching clearly
- We are going deep into the concept of goal-guided class design
Course Description
To understand how to set teaching goals, we need to have a deep understanding of what it is we want to teach. In this 9-part series, we will share with you a teaching framework that helps you create dance classes that include the full complexity, beauty and history of the dance you teach.
We will go deep into the topic of goal-guided class design. To show you how you can design classes that are not just about random skill acquisition but includes everything else around it too. This strategy helps you craft classes that give your students a compass they can use to continuously develop as dancers and stay connected to the culture and development of the dance. This course is created by Ali Taghavi and Kris Blindert. In this program you’ll learn some of the pedagogic concepts and techniques that have helped us become recognised as sought-after teachers, allowing us to share our passion for the dance in workshops all around the world. Just as importantly, we’ve contributed to the vibrant dance communities in Berlin and Heidelberg, including our weekly classes in Heidelberg which we teach together with our team. This experience helped us understand both how to work with dancers long-term, nurturing them week after week with inspiration, as well as high-impact weekend festival teaching. We hope you’ll enjoy it!