Sun 310-091 Developer Java EE 5 Components Practice Exam

Sun 310-091 Developer Java EE 5 Components Practice Exam, Attend this Sun 310-091 Developer Java EE 5 Components Practice Exam will get a Good Score 80% on Main Exam.
Sample Questions
Q) Which statement about a life cycle instance of the entity is correct?
a) A new entity instance is an instance of a fully populated state.
b) An independent entity instance is an instance without persistent identity.
c) An instance of the extracted entity is not associated with a context of resistance.
d) A managed device example is associated with a persistence context.
e) None
Q) What two types of class implicitly or explicitly specified in the descriptor persistence. xml managed persistence
classes are part of a persistence unit? (Choose two.)
a) entity classes
b) interceptor classes
c) embedded classes
d) entity listener classes
Q) Which statement about a combination of default mapping, annotations and XML descriptions are accurate?
a) All survey notes should always be treated by the persistence provider.
b) Some comments that @Entity note should always be treated by the persistence provider
c) Map information for a specified device class for annotations and XML descriptions should be clear.
d) If you hear multiple defined units, the order in which calls are defined or written in the XML description.
e) None
Q) A developer working on an application for registration of the user using EJB 3.0. A user registers in the register
of commercial practice bean performs stateless session bean user registration. The user records the method runs in a
transaction context initiated by the client. If an invalid user makes registration fails, call logs user client again
with the corrected data using the same transaction. What design can meet this requirement?
a) Having method records the user calls EJBContext.setRollbackOnly () method after registration fails.
b) User records are launching method javax.ejb.EJBTransactionRequiredException after registration fails.
c) It has records user method EJBException throwing unchecked recovery after registration fails transactions.
d) Create a program with the exception of reversal set of attributes with the method of fake user and records throw
after registration fails.
e) None