Skills and 8 attribute for professional hotel housekeeping
Skills and 8 attribute for professional hotel housekeeping, Learn what skills will make you a professional housekeeping supervisor for resorts and learn hotel management operations.
There are two ways to learn housekeeping skills 1. experience while working in hotels and 2. learning professional courses from a hotel management school.
Unfortunately, not every housekeeper in the hotel industry is a graduate or has passed hotel management schools so their skills are based purely on the experiences they have gained during their working and from informal training their hotels are providing.
largely hotel housekeeping executives may not have enough chances to grow as a supervisor or as a manager purely due to lack of knowledge in advanced techniques and composition of materials, cleaning methods, technology changes.
In this online short hotel management course, we are going to teach you the basics skills that you need to have to become a professional housekeeping supervisor or manager.
This is the introductory course to explain what are the skills that are required to become a housekeeping supervisor and we will have separate modules for each type of skills so that you can really learn from the basics and combine them with your experiences in the hotel management while working and use the learnings from this course to become a professional housekeeper.
This course is taught by miss Rekha Maitra, who is a professional teacher for housekeeping for the last 20 years in various hospitality educational institutes in India and she will be bringing you with a lot of technical knowledge and experience which you will be able to use in order to gain your degree in your career and be able to work as a supervisor with confidence.