Salesforce ADM-201 & ADM-211 Complete Preparation – NEW

Salesforce ADM-201 & ADM-211 Complete Preparation – NEW, Pass The ADM-201 & ADM-211 on the first Try (Latest Questions & Explanation).
This course is made to help Salesforce ADM-201 & ADM-211 Candidates to PASS their Exams on the first Try, saving their Time, their Money and Achieving the Best Results. Our Questions are written by Experts in the field of Salesforce Certification Preparation. The course is periodically updated.
We Cover all the exam’s topics and we offer a personal assistance for every student.
The Course will be full of practice questions. Challenging material. And best of all, a chance to hone your skills. It’s ok if you feel in over your head. We all did at some point, this next step is about pushing through that fear and getting ready to tackle something as challenging as the ADM-201 & ADM-211. If you get stuck, feel free to contact us 24/7. And as always, like we love to say, work smarter NOT harder!
The ADM-201 & ADM-211 or as are also known, the Administration Essentials for New Admins & Administration Essentials for Experienced Admin, like all tests, there is a bit of freedom on Salesforce’s part to exam an array of subjects. That means knowing the majority of ADM-201 & ADM-211 content is required because they test randomly on the many subjects available. Every topic is covered in a very engaging and interesting manner.
Exam Format and Information:
- Exam Duration: 105 minutes.
- Exam Format: Multiple Choice and Multi-Response Questions.
- Exam Type: Proctored Exam.
- Number of Questions: 60 Questions.
- Eligibility/Pre-Requisite: None.
- Exam Language: English.
- Passing Score: 65%.