Reverse Engineering 1: x64dbg Debugger for Beginners, Learn how to reverse engineer and debug programs with x64dbg in 1 hour.
If you had always wanted to learn how use x64dbg to reverse engineer and debug software, then this is the course for you.
x64dbg is one of the most popular modern debugger in use today and has superseded OllyDbg. It is used for Reverse Engineering, Malware Analysis and Software Debugging. In this course we will learn x64dbg by solving a simple CrackMe challenge. A CrackMe is a small program designed to test a programmer’s reverse engineering skills. This course is an introduction to Reverse Engineering for anyone who wants to get started in this field. It is suitable for software developers who want to learn how software works internally and also for reverse engineers who want to fix bugs where the source code is not available. This course will equip you with the knowledge and skill to use x64dbg in addition to whatever other tools you might already be familiar. It is also suitable for absolute beginners with no knowledge of reversing, as I will take you from zero to hero.
What you will learn:
- How to disassemble programs into assembly code
- Dynamic Analysis
- Setting breakpoints and stepping through code
- Modify program behaviour
- Patching programs
Money back guarantee:
This course is backed by a 30-day money back guarantee. So, go ahead and enroll in this course now and start reverse engineering and debugging programs the fun and easy way!