React JS 100 Key Concepts Part 1 – Concepts 1 to 15 Part 1


React JS 100 Key Concepts Part 1 – Concepts 1 to 15 Part 1, First Part of React JS 15 Key Concepts – Video number 1 / 10.

You will be able to learn following topics

  1. React:
    • Understand the fundamentals of React.js and its key concepts.
    • Learn how to set up a development environment for React projects.
    • Build a solid foundation in React syntax, components, and JSX.
  2. Props:
    • Understand the concept of props and how to pass data from a parent component to a child component.
    • Learn how to use props to customize and configure reusable components.
    • Explore different ways of passing props, including default values and destructuring.
  3. State:
    • Understand the concept of state and its role in managing dynamic data in React components.
    • Learn how to initialize and update state using setState.
    • Explore the use of state to build interactive and dynamic user interfaces.
  4. Lifecycle Methods:
    • Gain a comprehensive understanding of React’s component lifecycle and the different phases it goes through.
    • Learn how to leverage lifecycle methods to perform specific actions at various stages of a component’s lifecycle.
    • Understand the deprecation of certain lifecycle methods in newer versions of React.
  5. Virtual DOM:
    • Understand the concept of the Virtual DOM and its role in optimizing React’s rendering process.
    • Learn how React’s reconciliation algorithm works to efficiently update the DOM.
    • Explore the benefits of using the Virtual DOM in terms of performance and user experience.
  6. React Router:
    • Learn how to set up routing in a React application using React Router.
    • Understand how to define routes, handle navigation, and create nested routes.
    • Explore advanced features of React Router, such as route parameters and route guards.
  7. Hooks:
    • Understand the motivation behind React Hooks and their benefits.
    • Learn how to use built-in hooks like useState, useEffect, and useContext.
    • Explore custom hook creation and how to leverage hooks to write more concise and reusable code.
  8. Context API:
    • Understand the Context API and how it enables global state management in React applications.
    • Learn how to create and consume context using the createContext and useContext hooks.
    • Explore advanced usage patterns of the Context API, such as nested contexts and context composition.
  9. Redux:
    • Gain a thorough understanding of Redux and its core principles.
    • Learn how to set up Redux in a React application and manage global state.
    • Explore concepts such as actions, reducers, and the Redux store, and understand how they work together.
  10. Higher-Order Components (HOCs):
    • Understand the concept of Higher-Order Components and their role in code reuse and composition.
    • Learn how to create and use HOCs to add additional functionality to React components.
    • Explore common use cases for HOCs, such as authentication and authorization.
  11. Render:
    • Understand the rendering process in React and how components are rendered to the DOM.
    • Learn about conditional rendering techniques based on state and props.
    • Explore performance optimizations related to rendering, such as shouldComponentUpdate and React.memo.
  12. Reconciliation:
    • Gain a deep understanding of React’s reconciliation process and how it determines what needs to be updated in the DOM.
    • Learn about the diffing algorithm and how React efficiently updates the UI by comparing the previous and current Virtual DOM trees.
    • Understand strategies for optimizing reconciliation, such as using unique keys and minimizing component updates.
  13. Unidirectional Data Flow:
    • Understand the concept of unidirectional data flow in React and its advantages.
    • Learn how to design React applications using a single source of truth for data.
    • Explore patterns such as state lifting and data sharing between components.
  14. Synthetic Events:
    • Understand the concept of synthetic events in React and how they differ from native browser events.
    • Learn how to handle and respond to events in React components.
    • Explore common event handling patterns and techniques.
  15. Event Handling:
    • Learn how to handle different types of events in React components, such as onClick, onChange, and onSubmit.
    • Understand how to write event handlers and update state or trigger actions based on user interactions.
    • Explore advanced event handling techniques, such as event delegation and event bubbling.
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