QGIS 3: from Beginner to Advanced, Learn skills that will make you stand out from the competition.
This course will cover everything you need to get you started working with QGIS – and more.
We will also cover advanced concepts that will help you acquire skills many GIS engineers are missing – effectively increasing your chances for professional promotion.
Lectures are short, understandable and straightforward. I provided resource files that you can use to repeat everything that is done in a lecture.
Lectures are task based – we will have a task that we must solve. Since you probably won’t be doing heatmaps everyday, you could forget how to do it. But even if you do, you can just open a lecture with this task and you are good to go in a matter of minutes.
My name is Zoran and I have a master’s degree in Geodesy and GIS with over 9 years of professional experience.
Since I had a background in software development I was mainly working on GIS software development, spatial services and databases. So you can say that I have a good insight about the science and software behind GIS.
Looking forward to our fun journey of learning QGIS!