Professional Voice Acting & Voice Over Courses, Welcome to the Voice Acting Institute, the creative choice for your voice acting education.
You have found your way here because you either:
- Have heard you have a great voice and don’t know what to do with it.
- Want a career change.
- Are a veteran of the voice acting community looking to hone your skills.
Regardless of where you are with your voice acting journey, we know you want to create something magical in the voice acting industry.
At The Voice Acting Institute, our mission is to provide education for ambitious voice actors that support them in creating successful careers and thriving business models. We provide a multi-tiered approach toward character development, which allows you to build yourself as you build your characters, thus allowing for more authentic performances and greater client satisfaction.
We offer traditional voice acting workshops and webinars, while also providing education around the psychology of acting which focuses on concepts around human behavior, consciousness, self mastery, and personal development.
Where are courses offered?
We provide on-going online, in-studio, and traveling workshops in a creative, fun, inspiring, safe space.
Are the courses technical or creative?
This is a unique and boutique voice acting educational program that provides insight into both the technical and highly creative aspects of voice acting.
Are the courses for beginners or industry veterans?
Regardless of where you are in your career, you’re looking to create something magical in the voice acting industry. The first obvious step is to find a coach who is going to serve you. And that is where The Voice Acting Institute comes in!
How are these courses different than other trainings?
Our courses are small and interactive unlike most voice acting courses. Our industry-leading voice acting coaches are helping you thrive to support successful careers.
If I am starting off in the industry where do I begin?
Do your research and start with a coach, coaching program or school you can trust.
Where do I get my auditions from?
Pay2Play websites, agents, or you can network with clients directly.
Which Audio Editing software should I use?
We recommend ProTools, Adobe Audition, and Twisted Wave.
How long should my demo be?
Most demos run about 60 seconds. Narration demos may run a little longer so that clients can hear a little bit more of what you are bringing to the table. Those demos can run somewhere between 1 minute and 30 seconds up to 2 minutes.
Which Microphones do you prefer?
It depends on your budget and where you. are in this crazy little journey. A few of our favorites are Neumann TLM 103, Audio-Technica 4040, Sennheiser MKH 416, and the Shure SM7B.