Process Control Fundamentals, Process Control Fundamentals.
Process Control Training Course provided by Velocis Solutions aims to deliver the fundamental theory of Process Control and its necessary contributors. Here in this course, you will get into the most practical knowledge of control principles about operations by going over the following topics:
- Importance of Process Control;
- Elements of Process Control in two separate lessons;
- Control Systems in two separate lectures;
- Solution Methods of ODEs;
- P, PI, PID Control Systems
Would you like to have an introductory information about Process Control before enrolling the course? If so, here is some information for your interest:
Process control is commonly used for mass production. Due to its precise nature, it enables the automation of industrial processes. With the proper information and equipment, a small staff of operation personnel can operate even the most complex processes from a central control room.
It’s important to note, however, that process control is not automation. Instead, the two work together to perform efficiently. Without automation, plant operators have to physically monitor outputs to determine the best settings to use with production equipment. By using automated sensors, data can be collected and stores to make more effective decisions.
Since so many tools fall under the umbrella of process control, it’s a very common system practiced across a variety of disciples. Process control applications can cover anything that measures or controls the following variables:
- Analytical
- Connectors
- Flow
- Level
- Pressure
- Temperature
- Vibration