Preparing Engineering Students for Life After Graduation

Preparing Engineering Students for Life After Graduation, Excel in your career, Boost your CV, Stand out in interviews, Land your dream job. Results & experienced based coaching.
Are you feeling frustrated because you aren’t prepared for life after graduating?
Are you worried about not being able to land a job or not knowing what its like working as an engineer once you finally get that dream job?
Engineering is a very fulfilling and challenging career that comes with lots of responsibility. If you are lucky enough, your career will be filled with many milestones, rewarding experiences, and relationships with people who will influence and help mold you into a competent and confident engineer. We love what we do and the people we work with. Every day and every project is unique, which makes it easy to get out of bed every morning and embrace the day. If you want to find the same passion and fulfillment out of your engineering career that we have been blessed with, the BEST and SMARTEST investment you can make in yourself is taking this course.
It is becoming more & more tough to stand out with the increasing competition. Therefore preparing for life after graduation is the best way to set yourself apart and STAND OUT FROM THE REST !!
Before you start your post graduation journey, you need to be prepared for what’s to come. This is why we have created this comprehensive course on ‘Preparing Engineering Students For Life After Graduation’.
OVER 4 HOURS of Video Training with 30+ VIDEOS that will help YOU get a firm understanding of what it takes to do well after graduating engineering and enhance YOUR career.
The course aims to teach:
- What employers looks for
- Networking tips & How to develop social skills?
- Tips on how to invest in yourself
- Mentorship opportunities
- Do you need a masters degree?
- Technical writing and communication skills
- Resume & Interview tips
- Day in the life of an engineer
- Types of projects you will work on
- Letter and report writing
- Proposals
- Time & Project management
- Design and analysis software
- Construction drawings
- Contract administration
- Risk mitigation & MORE!
As a Bonus, we have also included a Sample Resume, Technical writing communication tips book and an e-book on the guide to prepare for life after graduation as well.