Practical MEAN stack Mastery course, Learn to build a complete project end to end using MongoDB, Angular, Express, NodeJS and Bootstrap.
This is a practical hands-on based fullsatck course. It covers all the concepts that one needs to start building end to end application using MEAN stack technology. The course is structured in such a way that you will learn everything by implementing the concepts through project based approach.
Following are the topics that is covered in this course:
- What is mongoDB, how to install mongoDB
- Different concepts of NoSQL
- Hands-on implementation of various query on mongoDB client
- Setting up git bash
- Creating github repositories and setting them up in local
- Installing and setting up the code editor
- Installing nodejs
- Learning everything about nodejs and npm package manager
- Installing various npm packages
- What is ExpressJS
- How to start writting RESTful API’s using Express JS
- How to connect your Express API’s to MongoDB
- How to create MongoDB schemas with mongoose
- Creating a CRUD operation through handson project
- What is Angular framework
- How to create Angular project
- How to create components in Angular project
- How to create services in Angular project
- Installing and using Bootstrap in Angular application
- Consuming RESTful API’s from Angular application
- Dynamic Routing in Angular application
- Submitting form in Angular application
- Form validation in Angular application
- Parsing JSON data in Angular application
- You will learn to use POSTMAN for testing your RESTful API’s
- Committing and pushing code to github repository both for frontend and backend project
- You will learn many more concepts and techniques that will help you in building any MEAN stack application but also it will help you in your MEAN stack interview.
- You will get complete source code for frontend and backend project