Practical HTML5 Mastery Course,Start your frontend development journey by implementing HTML5 concepts in a complete hands-on based approach.
If you have been always thinking about learning web development or you have been thinking of becoming full-stack developer then this is the course that will not just teach you rather make you implement each and every concept of HTML5 like a pro.
Many of the students just shy away from frontend technologies because they think it’s not their cup of tea, but this course will break that perception and will make you a developer by teaching you how to implement the concepts without the need of being remembering anything.
The topics that will be covered in the course are:
- Introduction to web development
- Client-server architecture
- Three-tier architecture
- What is HTML
- What is CSS
- What is JavaScript
- Local development environment setup with industry-standard tools
- Plugins and techniques to speed up development
- Debugging skills
- Structure of HTML page
- HML tag and concept of attributes
- Various components of HTML document
- Meta tag and its importance
- Head tag
- Link tag
- Script tag
- Display tags like h1 until h6
- Display tags like paragraph, span, division, label
- Inline vs block elements
- How to use Entities in HTML
- Navigation via an anchor tag
- Button tag
- Loading images on your website
- Different utility tags to make text bold, italics emphasize
- Listing tags like ul, ol
- Layout tag like table
- How to create Registration form in HTML
- Various form tags in HTML like
- form
- Different types of input tag
- File uploading
- Creating dropdown with different options
- Writing address in textarea
- Header and Footer tag
- Section and Article tag
- Video and Audio tag
- Loading various websites inside Iframe tag
- Much more
- You will get the complete source code so that if you get any doubts anywhere you can just refer the source code.