Power Plant Economics, Power Economics with different costs and Tariff methods.
- The course is Economics of Power Generation incorporated in unit-VI for BE Mechanical Students under subject Energy Engineering. The Course contents as per syllabus are as below:
- Cost of electric energy, fixed and operating cost [methods to determine depreciation cost] (Numerical Treatment), selection and type of generation, selection of generation equipment , load curves, performance and operation characteristics of power plants, load division, all terms related to fluctuating load plant (Numerical Treatment)
- This course comprises of total 5 video lectures and resource files.
- Already uploaded previous five units and one part of unit-6 on Udemy platform under Free Pricing.
- An Engineer should know about various costs incurred in power plant.
- Also he should know various methods of calculating energy bill i.e. Tariff methods.
- As per Exam pattern, mostly theoretical questions are asked on this unit. However some numericals on load curves and load duration curves are discussed for preparation.
- Usually theory question / short note is asked on this course topic. Also Some times the numerical was asked on Load curves and Load duration curves.
- University Question set and MCQs are provided in last lecture of the course. This will help you to prepare for examination.
After completion of this course you will be able to
- Get the idea of various costs incurred in Power plant and method solve cost of generation.
- Know what is Load curve and Load duration curve and methodology to solve the numericals based on these factors.
- Get the Basic ideas cleared on Electrical and Instrumentation system employed in Power plants.
- So dear all, I have tried my level best to explain / teach the subject Energy Engineering under various courses with video contents and resource files etc. My intention was to collect all the relevant data at one place and to put forward with theoretical explanation and providing practical experience wherever required.
- These courses will be helpful for you in view of preparation of your Examination and to get through with nice score.
- With huge response of all you people it was possible for me to complete almost 90-95 % of the syllabus with optimum content in view of write up for examination. Also the subject is covered with optimum duration of time in video contents and resource file formats.
- So Thanks for watching / listening / reading the courses and also thanks a lot to the Udemy Management for their full support me to express / put up all the courses on their platform. Again thanks one and all and Best of luck to dear students.