Online French Course


Online French Course , Learn to speak french in a simple, fast, natural, and effective way.

Course Description

You will go through the components of the language progressively so that you can build your knowledge and your conversation skills as you go.

First, you’ll go through the alphabet and the basics of pronunciation.

Then, you’ll navigate verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs and pronouns so that you can make sentences and ask questions in the present tense.

There are many parts in a lesson, and you will get a chance to practice after each one. There will be different types of practices to engage you differently each time.

The goal is to help you speak, use and play with the language as you learn it.

At the end of the chapter, you will be able to talk about anything in the present tense (and a little more than that actually).

You will also have mastered many of the key elements necessary to speak French which are going to prepare you for the upcoming chapters.

If I can recommend you one thing is this:

Don’t skip any part – even if you think that you know it.

Your brain is going to thank you for it, as it loves repetition.

By revisiting the notions that you may already know, you will be able to build a strong foundation that will help you immensely in the next chapters and that will benefit you throughout this entire process.

Above all, try and have fun as much as possible and play the videos as often as you wish.

I’m here to help you on this amazing journey you’re embarking on.


Who this course is for:

  • Beginners , Intermediate , Experts
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