MQL5 Tutorial Basics 01 – 10 with Metatrader5 Source Codes

MQL5 Tutorial Basics 01 – 10 with Metatrader5 Source Codes, Simple Automated Trading with MQL5 for Metatrader5.
This is the first season of the MQL5 Tutorial Basics where you can learn how to automatically trade 24/7 with Metatrader5 on up to 22 charts while you eat, sleep, work or spend time with friends and family…
- Build your own automated trading system
- Use the strategy tester to find out what works and why
- Get a lot of real trading experience in a fraction of the time
- Take yourself out of the equation and let your computer do the job
No need to sit in front of your screen. Your computer is the better trader because it never misses an entry signal, it never does revenge trades and it never gets tired or bored.
If you want to improve your trading results while you save time, effort and money, this course is for you!
If you want to do thousands of trades in a backtest on a single rainy Sunday afternoon, this course is for you!
If you want to build your own customized system and find out what works and why it works, this course is for you!
Metatrader is the most popular trading platform for Forex trading and it can be downloaded for free.
It comes with a complete programming language for automated trading that is called MQL5.
So let’t get started today, shall we?