Microsoft Dynamics CRM Training Course || GET CERTIFICATE


Microsoft Dynamics CRM Training Course || GET CERTIFICATE, Learn Microsoft dynamics 365 CRM from scratch. and become an expert in dynamics crm to implement for your clients.

Welcome everyone to the complete Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM course.

My name is Anwer Khan and I will be your instructor throughout this course. In this course, I will talk straight to the point. Therefore, we will cover more in less time.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM is a customer relationship management software package developed by Microsoft, focusing on enhancing customer relationships for any organization. It is one of the leading industry-standard CRM software available in the market. The product focuses mainly on the Sales, Marketing and Customer Service sectors.

This course is divided into 4 modules. In the first module, first of all, we will take a look into the dynamics user interface. After that, we will learn how to use search to locate things and how to sort things. And then, we will learn how to create new records.

In the second module, we will learn about different dashboards, how to drill down in chart segments, how to create, delete and cancel the activity and how to create and edit an appointment.

In the next module, we will learn how to create leads, how to assign and share leads, qualify and disqualify leads.

Then finally in the last module, we will learn about all stages of sales like develop, proposal and finally closing opportunity in either lost or won cases.

This is a complete course about Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

I hope to see you in this course.

Thank you.

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