Master SQL interviews (Top Interview questions & answers)
Master SQL interviews (Top Interview questions & answers), Learn Most Common SQL interview questions and answers with detailed explanations & hands on examples.
This course has been intended for programmers and testers who want to master SQL interview questions and answers.
Most of the modern applications create data in a backend database and hence knowing SQL is an essential skill for everyone. The course covers a number of questions and answers in the following areas
1) Databases
2) Various types of Database Management system
3) Different types of SQL statements – DDL, DML and DCL statements
4) SQL introduction
5) Creating tables
6) SQL Data types
7) SELECT INTO operations
8) Conditional SELECT operations
9) DELETE ALL and Conditional DELETE operations
10) DELETE and TRUNCATE operation comparison
11) DROP table operations
12) Data Integrity and constraints
13) Column level and Table level primary Keys
14) Creating Unique keys
15) Various types of check constraints
16) Nullable columns
17) Aggregate functions
18) SQL statements to address different goals
19) Displaying schema of tables
20) What are JOINS?
21) Different types of JOINS – Inner Join, Left Outer, Right Outer and Full Outer Joins
22) What is SELF and Cross Joins?
23) Displaying System Date and time
24) Displaying server and database names
25) Various string operations – Substring, CHARINDEX, Concatenation etc
26) Creating an empty table from an existing table
27) LEFT, RIGHT operations
28) What are indexes?
29) Describe Clustered indexes
30) Non-clustered indexes and difference from Clustered indexes
31) Describe Unique Indexes
and many more …