Managing Stress and Anxiety Mindfully


Managing Stress and Anxiety Mindfully, Strategies and Practices that ACTUALLY Work to overcome stress anxiety and negative thinking.

I’m Natasha Rose Mills and I hope you can join me for Mindfulness Anxiety and Stress Management Course where I introduce practices and strategies which have helped me and my clients, these practices were beneficial during a tough time in my life overcame a breakup, I talk about this in my chapter Hope available on Amazon and share my story overcoming depression after discovering mindfulness and compassion.

in side this short course you’ll discover…

How to manage anxiety and stress with mindfulness and self-soothing practices, even if you’re not familiar with mindfulness or have no experience with meditation, you will discover simple ways to get started, this course is simple with sessions only being short and easy to consolidate. All of these practices help you connect with your inner self and provide self-soothing for the times you need it the most with some support materials.

In the lesson, I teach you simple but effective practices you can apply to your every life as well as mindfulness meditation audios.

The sessions are short practical and accessible to make positive changes. Mindfulness is especially effective in difficult situations you might usually be reactive by building on self-awareness you can observe without judgement identifying reactivity and learn to be responsive with more patience and self-acceptance

Another key component is patience understanding and accepting that sometimes we must opt for a different approach by letting things unfold gradually this is important in all walks of life, especially in work and family life. In mindfulness, we are rewiring the cognitive brain to think and act differently. If you would usually blame yourself or criticise yourself for things outside of your control mindfulness teaches us to become more compassionate to ourselves and others to process healing and build strength.

Listening to the practices and short guides will help you get started even if you’re a beginner!

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