Learn! Modern JavaScript for React JS – ES6.

Learn! Modern JavaScript for React JS – ES6., A complete guide for beginners to learn the essential topics of ES6 which are required to learn React JS.
Are you looking to extend your knowledge in Javascript programming by learning the concepts of modern javascript – ES6?
If you want to start your journey to become a React or Angular developer, then this is the perfect course for you.
What’s this course about?
This course is specifically designed for those who want to get a quick start with Modern Javascript, especially ES6 concepts. It covers all the basic concepts of ES6: how the javascript has evolved, how to use its latest features that come under ES6 topics, what is babel, and how it is used to compile the ES6 code to make it browser compatible. You will get all the behind the scenes of how the ES6 works in the introduction part of the course.
More details, please!
ES6/ES7 modern javascript programming is becoming an essential part of the web development industry, as most companies are shifting towards using various popular web frameworks like Angular JS, Vue JS, or React JS. The demand for Developers with knowledge of ES6 is also on the rise. This course will help you get all the essential knowledge from the get-go and you will be a master in the concepts of ES6 by the end of this course.
In this course, we have covered the:
- all the basic to advanced concepts of ES6 right from variable declaration using ‘let’ and ‘const’ keywords, what is the difference between them and where to use them to the advanced topics like how to make asynchronous requests to servers using async-await and how to use promises to handle the requests more efficiently
- what are the arrow functions and how to use them
- all about functional programming with the help of functions like map, reduce, filter, etc.
- how to deep clone the objects with help of rest and spread operators and also about the scenarios of where and how we should use them most effectively
By the end of this course, you will be ready to learn any latest web framework like React JS, Angular JS, or Vue JS.
Who’s teaching you in this course?
I am a Computer Science graduate highly rated instructor with a rating of 4.3 and more than 200k students on Udemy, I have been part of the corporate circle since his college days. In his early days, I was part of a startup team delivering production grid android apps. Currently, I am a lead developer at EdYoda. I’m responsible for the entire front-end development & integration with the back-end. React, Python, Django is my areas of expertise. I have been delivering corporate training for Android, React, Javascript, Python & Django. I have eyes for details & that makes him suited for delivering a finished product. I’m a fitness freak & working out is his favorite thing to do in his spare time. I
want everyone should enjoy learning and I have shared my knowledge that gonna be helpful for you.
After completion, we recommend you watch our React JS course which is the continuation part of this course where we have explained React JS frameworks in and out with some simple explanation along with assignments and projects.
Enroll now!! See you in class.
Happy learning !!
Team Edyoda