Learn Making Vector Arts in Adobe Illustrator CC, Start as a Beginner and Master the Art of Making Vector Arts in Adobe Illustrator and also Animating them.
This is a Detailed Class which will target Beginner users of Adobe Illustrator who are interested in learning How Vectors are made. Vector Arts is a Broad Genre which can range from Flat to Semi-Realistic to Realistic. By the end of this Session, You will be able to at least make a good looking Semi-Realistic Vector. This session will provide you the knowledge for all the Basics.
In this Learning Session, You will be learning about Vector Arts. We will be making Vector in Adobe Illustrator CC.
The topics that You will learn in this class are;
- Interface of Adobe Illustrator
- Tools
- Panel
- Basics of Workspace
- Placing Reference Image
- How Vector is Made
- Use of Tablet and Mouse
- Pencil Tool, Pen Tool, Brush Tool
- Outlining using Brush
- Using Pencil for Hair
- Base Colors
- Clipping Masks
- Getting Shades for Darks and Highlights
- Exporting and Framing
- Gradients
This is going to be a detailed Class , So, Let’s get Started!
As an Instructor, It is great to have good terms with Students. So I am also providing you another course of mine which is related to Animating Sci-Fi Vectors and the lectures for that are included in the last section of this Course.
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In this Part, You will be learning How to Animate Sci-Fi Vector Art using Adobe After Effects CC.
By the end of this class, You will be able to;
- PreCompose
- Auto Trace
- Use Saber
- Masking
- Animating using Keyframes
- Using Expressions
- Importing and Exporting
Before Starting , It is suggested to have basic knowledge of interface and functions of Adobe After Effects.
Happy Learning!