Learn HTML5 & CSS3 from Scratch and Code with Visual Studio

Learn HTML5 & CSS3 from Scratch and Code with Visual Studio, LEARN HTML5 AND CSS3 FROM SCRATCH.
This course is all about learning HTML5 and CSS3 from scratch.
Your Journey in this course will start from , basic introduction of websites, introduction to frontend developers and there role while creating websites .Anyone who is interested in designing and creating frontend of a website or some one who want’s to be full stack developer and looking to cover frontend part precisely and subscribe to this course , it is life time accessible.
Main objectives of this course
- Learn HTML and CSS from scratch
- Get introduction to HTML
- Learn about key role of frontend developer
- Study Evolution of HTML5
- Print basic webpage using HTML5
- Work with Visual Studio Codes
- Learn about CSS
- Cover role of CSS3 in HTML5
- Learn how to code with advance CSS3 techniques
- Complete your experience by creating a real world website.
Coding with consistency can make you a perfect programmer hence to make this possible certain additional sources have been provided with his course . Every lecture with coding part has been covered with visual studios codes where your will see how to code in Visual Studio Codes.
Apart from this you will get Assignments to practice and to track your progress.
AIM : After completing this course you would be able to publish real world website for yourself or for any industry and organization