Learn Computer Graphics, Computer Graphics-CGR.
What you”ll learn:
- Various concepts of Computer Graphics
This Course provides an introduction to the Principles of Computer Graphics. In particular the course will consider methods for object design, transformations, scan conversion, visualization and modelling of real world. The emphasis of the course will be placed on understanding how the various elements that underlie computer graphics (algebra, geometry, algorithms) interact in the design of graphics, software systems and also enables students to create impressive graphics easily and efficiently. The aim of this course is to help students to develop programs using core graphical concepts.. The basic objectives of this course are Study of graphics mode, Study the importance of internal structure of output devices, Study of various algorithms of line and circle drawing, Ability to draw various curves and predict various fractal types, Ability to understand Color combinations. The Theory, practical experiences and relevant soft skills associated with this course are to be taught , so that students demonstrates the following industry oriented Course outcomes associated with the above mentioned competency:
1: Manipulate visual & geometric information of images.
2:Implement standard algorithm to draw various graphics objects using C program
3: Develop programs for 2D and 3D transformations
4: Use projection to visualize objects on view plane
5: Implement various Clipping algorithms
6: Develop program to create curves using algorithm