Introduction to Energy Auditing , Unlock the Power of Efficiency: Master Energy Auditing with this Comprehensive Guide.
What you”ll learn:
What an energy audit is
Who needs an energy audit, and the benefits provided by an energy audit
What standards are used globally for energy audits
How to undertake an energy audit
The skills and knowledge needed to undertake an audit
- What career paths are available to energy auditors
Course Description
This Online Energy Audit Course explains what an energy audit is, how to undertake an energy audit, the skills and knowledge needed by energy auditors, and energy auditing career paths.
With so much global concern about climate change, those who can cost-effectively help organizations reduce their energy use will play a key role in de-carbonization. Being skilled in energy auditing opens up a wide range of career paths.
In this course, you’ll get an introductory understanding of energy audits. Our Online Energy Audit Course (Introduction to Energy Auditing) is accredited by ESTA (Energy Services and Technology Association) and completing this course will also earn you 10 CEC (Clean Energy Council) CPD points.
What You’ll Learn
- What an energy audit is
- Who needs an energy audit, and the benefits provided by an energy audit
- What standards are used globally for energy audits
- How to undertake an energy audit
- The skills and knowledge needed to undertake an audit
- What career paths are available to energy auditors
Online Energy Audit Introductory Course Description
The Sustainability Education Academy’s Online Energy Audit Course – Introduction is a 6-step course or 40-minute training program with an assessment-based certificate of completion.
This course introduces you to:
- What an energy audit is
- How to undertake an energy audit
- The required skills and knowledge needed to undertake an energy audit
- Energy auditing career paths
Completing This Online Energy Audit Course Means
You understand what an energy audit is and how an energy audit is undertaken.
You are familiar with the skills and knowledge needed to undertake energy audits and the career paths open to energy auditors.
Since energy efficiency is the “first fuel,” and energy audit skills are fundamental to applying the first fuel to existing buildings, undertaking this course could be the first step in a career that can make a significant contribution to de-carbonization globally.