How to Generate Leads for Sales Beginners, 6 proven strategies to find and convert customers.
Lead generation is the first and undoubtedly one of the key functions in the sales process.
For companies who sell services of products, they rely heavily on being able to generate leads that convert int he shorted possible time and have continuous activity from identifying potential customer, outreaching to those customers, and converting them to paying customers.
Selling with Heart is the complete framework on how to sell consciously and taking your business to an entirely new revenue generation level.
As a subset of the book, this course focuses on how to generate leads at the beginning of the sales process.
We will look at proven approaches that covers both inbound and outbound lead generation…beyond cold calling that small business owners, entry-level sale professionals, and even experienced sales professionals can use to boost their sales. ‘
The course zooms on six strategies specifically, also presenting case studies or scenarios of application so that you can apply directly to your current sales routine.
Beyond lead generation, a quick glance of some important sales management concepts to help you with planning your sales approaches.
Please complete the activities to make sure you are firmly grasping the information that is shared in the course.