How to become a paid Instagram influencer! Learn ways to make instagram work for you!
This course is as little as an hour and half which gives you tips on how to become a paid instagram influencer. Here are the highlights and uniqueness of my course:
– You will only need half an hour each day to make this dream come alive
– Your earnings can be lucrative if you build on this course
– All you have to do is follow my tips … in other words none of this complex **** which means nothing 😉
– I will give you templates to successfully attract brands
The course is split into 4 easy objectives.
1). How do I attract more followers. Here we will look at the strategies that will help you reach the followers you need. Once you have reached the 1000 follower mark, it might come as a surprise, but yes you can make money from instagram and good money too!
2). We will then look at engagement rate and why it is important to have at least 2-5% engagement on your posts. Again, once this is achieved, you can start attracting brands that may want to pay you to promote their service/products.
3). In this section, we will talk about the different ways we can get paid on instagram but we will mainly focus on paid partnerships with brands. I will give you templates which can just be copy and pasted into emails and used at your own pleasure to attract brands!!
4). The final section is the shortest of them all… yes, meaning this course will not drag like your last last hour at work 😉 ! We will talk about how to go all about this in a summary making sure we stick to any rules instagram sets on paid partnerships.