How to BBQ Brisket (Master Class) Burnt Ends, 12 Hour Cook


How to BBQ Brisket (Master Class) Burnt Ends, 12 Hour Cook, Do you want to learn how to cook brisket? Well my recipe seems to be a hit every time I cook it. I hope you enjoy it.

Inthis course will be learning how to cook brisket over a barbecue pit.

Total cook time on this brisket is 11 hours. A very common cook time for most briskets is around 12 to 13 hours.

In this course I’ll be separating the point from the flat on the brisket,seasoning the brisket, getting our pit setup, smoking the meat, rapping the meat, cooking the brisket rest of the way ,then presenting.

I hope you enjoy this course on how to smoke a brisket. There are many different ways but this one has been the easiest way I know as well as the favored from party guests.

So grab a pen and paper feel free to take some notes if you have any questions give them in the Q&A and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you.


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