Heart Attack and Diabetes Prediction Project in Apache Spark


Heart Attack and Diabetes Prediction Project in Apache Spark, Disease Prediction 2 Projects in Apache Spark(ML) for beginners using Databricks Notebook (Unofficial) Community edition.

Apache Spark Project – Heart Attack and Diabetes Prediction Project in Apache Spark Machine Learning Project (2 mini-projects) for beginners using Databricks Notebook (Unofficial) (Community edition Server)

In this Data science Machine Learning project, we will create

1) Heart Disease Prediction

2) Diabetes Prediction

using a few algorithms of the predictive models.

  • Explore Apache Spark and Machine Learning on the Databricks platform.
  • Launching Spark Cluster
  • Process that data using a Machine Learning model (Spark ML Library)
  • Hands-on learning
  • Real time Use Case
  • Create a Data Pipeline
  • Publish the Project on Web to Impress your recruiter
  • Graphical  Representation of Data using Databricks notebook.
  • Transform structured data using SparkSQL and DataFrames
  • Data exploration using Apache Spark

1) Heart Disease Prediction using Decision Tree Classification Model

2) Diabetes Prediction using Logistic Regression Model and One-vs-Rest classifier (a.k.a. One-vs-All) Model


A Real time Use Case on Apache Spark

About Databricks:

Databricks lets you start writing Spark ML code instantly so you can focus on your data problems.

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