GRUNT js: Automate web development tasks and save your time

GRUNT js: Automate web development tasks and save your time, Save time automating web development tasks like compressing CSS/JS files on fly. Set Grunt and enjoy your free time!
As a front-end developer you have to do many time-consuming tasks.
Grunt is a task runner automating the web development tasks, it will save you a lot of precious time.
As always time = money. Save your time by learning Grunt.
Sample tasks that are going to be executed for you by Grunt:
- compressing of CSS and JS files -> making files smaller means that your website will load faster
- merging CSS and JS files -> you can maintain many JS/CSS files and at the end use only one. This is decreasing the number of required requests (which also improves the website’s loading speed)
- optimizing your images -> reducing their file sizes without affecting quality
- automatically adding vendor prefixes -> you won’t need to worry about vendor prefixes anymore. Grunt gives you a perfect solution with no performance hit and nothing new to learn.
- finding Javascript bugs almost instantly -> bugs in JS are the hardest to spot. With JShint one of the Grunt plugins you can forget about this problem.
- and many more -> there are over 4,000 plugins available
After my course you will know everything I mentioned above!
Set it once and enjoy your saved time! Build your websites faster and avoid repetitive work.
What’s more, you will also know how to:
- install Grunt.js/npm/Node.js
- properly configure and install plugins
- run tasks concurrently which will drastically improve the needed time for execution of task
I give you 100% satisfaction – if you do not like my course you can request a full refund up to 30 days. Remember that if you have any questions regarding topics covered in the course please feel free to ask. I’m always happy to help!
- Over 250,000 people from around the world enrolled in my courses
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