Fundamentals of Microprocessor, Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on 8086, 8088, 8255, 8254 and 8257 controllers.
In Microprocessor practice tests, there will be a series of practice tests where you can test your Microprocessor concepts on every topic separately. Here you Learn Microprocessor based Multiple Choice Questions and answers with easy and logical explanations,
Who should Practice these Microprocessor Based Quiz?
- Anyone wishing to sharpen their knowledge in Microprocessor
- Anyone preparing for aptitude test in Microprocessor
- Anyone preparing for interview in Electronics Industry
In these quiz we Covers Following Topics:
8086 Instruction Set and Assembler Directives: This section contains questions and answers on addressing modes, instruction formats, and assembler directives of 8086.
Special Architectural Features and Related Programming: This section contains questions on assemblers, stacks, interrupts, maskable and non maskable interrupts, interrupt service routines, macros.
Basic Peripherals and their Interfacing with 8086: This section contains questions on semiconductor memory, dynamic RAM and I/O port interfacing, interfacing of analog to digital data converters and vice versa, operation and stepper motor interfacing.
Special Purpose Programmable Peripheral devices and their Interfacing: This section contains questions on programmable interrupt controllers like 8254, 8259A, 8251 and keyboard controller.
DMA, Floppy Disk and CRT Controllers: This section contains questions on DMA controllers and interfaces.
Generally, you need to refer a variety of books in order to cover the ocean of topics in Microprocessor. To make it easy for you guys, I have collected a few Microprocessor Based questions from different topics, when you solve Question then definitely You Enjoy the Quiz.