Explore Bluetooth Low Energy ( BLE ) Fundamentals in Weekend

Explore Bluetooth Low Energy ( BLE ) Fundamentals in Weekend, Getting Started with Bluetooth Low Energy Protocol Layers and its fundamental concepts.
In this course, we will explore the different layers of bluetooth low energy specification. We start explore from very low hardware Radio Layer upto application layer of bluetooth low energy. Bluetooth Low Energy is evolving and used in wide range of applications starting from Personal Area Networks to Smart Automation Networks.
Here we concentrate currently on Bluetooth Low Energy Personal Area Networks and its layers like Radio Layer, Link Layer, L2CAP layer, Attribute, General Access Profile, Generic Attribute Protocol, Security Manager, Host Controller Interface Layer and application layers.
This course also provides step by step implementation of Environment Sensing service development starts from advertising, simple GATT connection, adding BLE standard profile, adding characteristics, read and notify properties, reading data from DHT11 and update data on every 5 seconds, and also includes notification.