Entering Enclosed Spaces aboard Ships Safety Awareness, The Danger of Oxygen Depleted Spaces (MNTB Recognised Course).
This course has been awarded Course recognition by the Merchant Navy Training Board (MNTB).
The Aim of the Course is to provide training to meet the theoretical knowledge requirements set out in:
The Merchant Shipping (Entry into Dangerous Spaces) Regulations 1988,
IMO Resolution on the Revised recommendations for entering enclosed spaces aboard ships,
and the Code of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seafarers 2015.
The Objectives of the course are that on completion of the training, course participants will have sufficient knowledge and understanding to enable them to:
1. Recognise potentially dangerous enclosed spaces aboard a vessel
2. To understand the speed of oxygen depletion in various enclosed spaces and in cargo holds with a variety of cargos and situations.
3. Be able to carry out a thorough risk assessment prior to entry into enclosed spaces
4. Appreciate the changing nature of an enclosed space atmosphere and be able to decide when work must be abandoned
5. Understand that an oxygen depleted atmosphere looks
Exactlylike a normal atmosphere. This is best described as the Unseen killer aspect.
6. Complete a typical enclosed space entry Permit to Work
7. Understand the procedure of the safe testing of an atmosphere prior to enclosed space entry using typical industry test equipment
8. Understand the procedure of a safe enclosed space entry
9. Understand the procedure of rescue from an enclosed space
10. Understand the safety attendant role
11. Understand the need for keeping of records of enclosed
space entries as well as entry and rescue drills