Energy Engineering, Power Plant Engineering.
The course named Energy Engineering is meant for Final Year Mechanical Engineering students and also Useful For third year Mechanical students having the course title Power Plant Engineering. The course consists of Six units for theory and about 12 assignments for practical work. The course contains six units namely
Unit-I Introduction Power Scenario and Power Economics
Unit-II Condenser and Environmental impacts of Thermal Power Plant
Unit-III Hydro electric and Nuclear Power Plant
Unit-IV Diesel and Gas turbine Power Plants
Unit-V Non Conventional Power Plants
Unit- VI Instrumentation and Economics of Power Plant
Each course is divided into number of video lectures as per convenience of learners / to understand the contents step by step. This is also to ensure the learners will not get bored or overstressed due to length of video classes.
The details of the unit contents are already mentioned in the Promo video and introduction chapter.
The course usually in the university is for about 100 marks theory paper and 50 marks for Practical work or may vary university to university.
The course is prepared with the practical experience which will enable the learner to study at ease and will feel comfortable and gain confidence in the subject.
The course is most useful while facing the interviews at various industries / Offices particularly power sector zones.
It will also helpful for the learner to get sufficient knowledge and strong foundation when he / she will be doing the job.