100% OFF- Embracing Renewal: Journey to Recovery for Burn Survivors

Embracing Renewal: Journey to Recovery for Burn Survivors, Burn Rehabilitation.
Course Description
Welcome to my Udemy course on burn rehabilitation in occupational therapy, tailored to provide a deep understanding of the critical components involved in the recovery journey for individuals who have sustained burn injuries. Drawing from my capstone experience, we will begin by covering the foundational steps of conducting a needs assessment and critically appraising pertinent topics. Throughout the course, learning objectives tailored to enhance participants’ understanding of burn rehabilitation principles will be reviewed along with downloadable materials and presentations to support learning on this topic area. At the end of the course, there will be a question and answer section to assess the knowledge acquired from the presentation. Through reflective exercises and knowledge assessments, participants will demonstrate their proficiency in understanding the role of occupational therapy, theoretical frameworks such as the Model of Human Occupation (MOHO), and trauma-informed care in facilitating optimal outcomes for individuals recovering from burn injuries.
Enjoy the course and please feel free to message the instructor to facilitate further discussion on topics related to burn rehabilitation. Please refer to the resources at the end of the course for supplemental information in relevance to this course topic. Thank you for your interest and I hope you enjoy my course!