Designing and Implementing Microsoft Azure Networking Day 1, Microsoft AZ-700.
Are you a network engineer and would like to embrace the cloud ?
Are you Cloud Solution Architect and would like to have deep dive about Azure Networking Technologies ?
If yes, this course will definitely help you achieve it
Coming from networking background helped me a lot understanding the details of the details of cloud networking, so I decided to put what I learned in this course and make it available for learners
This course will take you from the foundational topics of cloud network and expand on other topics, where required I have included a review about the technology itself before explaining how it works on Azure (such as routing and NAT)
Designing and Implementing Microsoft Azure Networking Part-1 Presents the First Part of a comprehensive Course around AZ-700 Topics
The following AZ-700 topics will be covered
- Part 1
- Design and Implement Virtual Networks and VNET Peering (Default Peering and Global Peering)
- Design and Implement Subnets
- How Routing Works (not azure related but general routing concepts)
- Design and Implement Routing and Route Tables (UDR)
- Design and Implement Network Security Groups – NSGs, and Service Tags
- Design and Implement Application Security Groups – ASG
- Design and Implement Azure Public IP Addressing
- Design and Implement Azure NAT, NAT Gateway, Different SNAT scenarios
- Configuring Internet Access with Different NAT Options
- Design and Implement Azure Load Balancer