DataStax Enterprise (DSE) Installation & Configuration


DataStax Enterprise (DSE) Installation & Configuration, Learn Installation & Configuration of most popular Cassandra distribution : DataStax Enterprise.

DataStax Enterprise (DSE) is the most popular enterprise grade distribution of Apache Cassandra.

In this course we will start with download and installation of CentOS Linux Operating System on our servers. We will learn how to disable Security Enhanced Linux and firewalld options. We will create and configure mountpoints required for our DataStax Enterprise. We will create Operating System User Group and Operating System User for DataStax Enterprise.

We will discuss about various options available in DataStax Enterprise.

We will configure Password-less SSH between our servers.

We will download DataStax Enterprise Software from DataStax website.

We will learn all the details about Installation and Configuration of DataStax Enterprise.

We will learn about how to properly start and shutdown DataStax Enterprise.

We will enable Authentication and Authorization.

We will build a 6 node DSE Cluster which will span across multiple data centers.

We will configure and enable DSE Analytics. We will use Spark and Spark SQL shells to understand how to use Apache Spark to interact with data stored in our DSE Cassandra.

We will download, configure and use DSE OpsCenter.

We will download and use DataStax Studio.

We will configure and enable Audit Logging and we will review audit.log file.

We will configure and enable DSE Search. We will create search indexes and we will learn how to use them.

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